"We have decided not to die."
- - - ana explores the persecution of the feminine and uses elements of abstracted movement, text, clown, and song to express her many aspects. ana is a multifaceted being who has reached a breaking point and brought an audience together in a call for action. This work is a union of emotion, ceremony, violence, and rebellion. The piece was in development from 2014 to 2016. Since it's initial Petri Dish Residency, ana was workshopped through UnoWorks in 2014, a two week devising workshop in January 2015, and a residency at the acclaimed Videofag in Toronto. co-created by Andrew Barrett and Emily Piggford design by Halley Fulford and Andrew Barrett music by Emily Piggford and Aulden MacQueen Promotional Photography by Pamela Bethel Photography PRODUCTION HISTORY May 2016 - PREMIERE - Intrepid Theatre's Uno Fest DEVELOPMENT HISTORY April 2016 - Final Workshop Period - Videofag, Toronto January 2015 - Workshop Period May 2014 - UnoWork Reading - Intrepid Theatre's Uno Fest January 2014 - Initial Creation Period - PetriDish Residency - Intrepid Theatre's Winterlab Festival |